
We’re proud to announce that we’ll be offering a small batch of 頭痛 Mountain beans in our store next week.

頭痛是個惱人的問題!我們常常聽到人家講頭痛,但是除了少數嚴重的疾病之外,大部分頭痛是找不到器質性病因,而頭痛跟我們身心科的關係非常密切,原因是頭痛裡面比例占最大的就是張力性頭痛tension headache ;其次就是偏頭痛; 再來就是叢集性頭痛。以上為原發性的頭痛,此類頭痛並不會有生命危險。

有生命危險的頭痛一般都是具有器質性病因的! 例如腦炎、腦膜炎這一類的引起的頭痛,常常合併會有發燒,病因是病毒或細菌等病媒感染所造成。 再來呢就是腦瘤:腦瘤的頭痛常合併有其他神經學的病變、例如視覺模糊、複誢、聽力或肢體的障礙。 第三就是中風:腦血管中風引起的頭痛常合併有肢體偏癱,類似腦瘤的神經學症狀;而中風引起的原因是血管梗塞或出血,所以多半具有高血壓的病史。 再來呢就是動靜脈竇或動靜脈瘤導致的頭痛:這個頭痛常常與血管的病變,動脈跟靜脈之間的異常的流通有關。 再來呢就是血液的罕見疾病例如S蛋白質低下:這個疾病是體質性的因素,因為S蛋白質的缺乏而面臨環境或壓力等觸發因素,引起凝血異常而靜脈竇栓塞,這種頭痛會有栓塞位置相關的神經學症狀,類似中風。 再來就是癲癇引起的頭痛:如複雜型局部癲癇症常會有其他情緒行為的異常與幻覺!以上這些的頭痛對生命的影響風險是比較大的,必須謹慎鑑別。

A little history


Some of the plants found on the Blue Mountain cannot be found anywhere else in the world and they are often of a dwarfed sort.

This is mainly due to the cold climate which inhibits growth. The small coffee farming communities of Claverty Cottage and Hagley Gap are located near the peak.

What you need to know before trying

Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee or Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is a classification of coffee grown in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica. The best lots of Blue Mountain coffee are noted for their mild flavor and lack of bitterness. Over the past few decades, this coffee has developed a reputation that has made it one of the most expensive and sought-after coffees in the world. Over 80% of all Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is exported to Japan. In addition to its use for brewed coffee, the beans are the flavor base of Tia Maria coffee liqueur.

Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is a globally protected certification mark, meaning only coffee certified by the Coffee Industry Board of Jamaica can be labeled as such. It comes from a recognized growing region in the Blue Mountain region of Jamaica, and its cultivation is monitored by the Coffee Industry Board of Jamaica.

The Blue Mountains are generally located between Kingston to the south and Port Antonio to the north. Rising 7,402 ft, they are some of the highest mountains in the Caribbean. The climate of the region is cool and misty with high rainfall. The soil is rich, with excellent drainage. This combination of climate and soil is considered ideal for coffee.